Tuesday 1 November 2016

Codes and Conventions

In post apocalyptic films we tend to have a expectancy on what we will see throughout the film. Whether its a zombie to a gun. Props and main characters have a expectancy or role to fill though no matter what sort of post apocalyptic film it is.


In my mind I tend to think of a post apocalyptic film to be set in a big city to show how deserted the world now is, for example in 'I am legend' it is set in new York however you wouldn't recognize it as new York with how empty it is.


For costumes I expect to see baggy,dirty,ripped clothes that the characters haven't washed in a long time.


For props you except a gun to be owned by one of the characters to enhance the idea of survival through out the film. I would also expect any food to either be tinned or recently got when hunting for example in 'the book of Eli' when he shoots a bird with a bow and arrow to have that night.


For sounds I expect there to be some sort of screaming at one point to show that a characters in danger. Also depending on the threat whether its a zombie or group of scavengers, I tend to think that some sort of threat will be heard from scavengers shouting to zombies grunting. 


I also tend to expect a dark dim lighting that shows there's little light left in the world after what's happened.

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