Monday 28 November 2016

Preliminary task.

In my preliminary film I really enjoyed the new skill of learning how to edit and direct a film. I also really enjoyed working with everyone so I was able to get feedback as we filmed each scene working together. I was determined to make my first prelim task and spent a lot of time trying to time everything to a level that I was very satisfied with. I think from what I've learnt from this task, in my next one I have new tips and tricks on how to make it even better. We thought that the natural setting of the woods would help build the level of tension to suggest to the audience that the film is full of mystery and tension. However when we got to filming the questioning of the suspects it took a few attempts to make sure that we fit in the camera shots that we thought would fit in e.g over the shoulder shots, close ups, mid shots etc. One struggle I did have however was finding the right sort of music that I thought fit well.

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