Friday 28 April 2017

Question 3

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Question 5

                                                                                Question 5

Eleanor Jones:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

Eleanor Jones: “I thought it was produced well and the plot seemed to work well. There were a few points that the camera was a bit jumpy but altogether I think it worked well!”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

Eleanor Jones: “I would say the only improvements that could be made would be to make sure the camera is less shaky at certain points. But for a low budget film I think it’s great.”

Duncan Vajeeharan:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

Duncan Vajeeharan: “I think it was quite good, the camera was very steady and the plot worked well. I especially liked the music as it built tension throughout while I was watching it – especially towards the end.”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

Duncan Vajeeharan: “I think the only improvement I would make is be swapping out the actress in the final scene or re-doing her part. I only say this as when there’s the fight at the end she’s not looking at what happens but still knows when to hand the other actor the stick. She did a good job otherwise though!”


James Smith:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

James Smith: “It was okay, I liked a few of the camera angles but it seemed to jump between shots towards the end of the film. Also at one point it says about how the main character will meet his mate ‘in the usual spot’ and then you never see them again?”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

James Smith: “As I mentioned I would probably recommend trying to make the plot just a little bit clearer. That’s the main only improvement I would make.”

Question 6

Question 2

Question 7
This is Question 7 of my evaluation.

Question 4

Question 1

Here is my Question 1