Wednesday 26 April 2017

Book of Eli ending

                                                     Book of Eli ending

In the ending scene of the 'Book of Eli' you first can see the main character lying down in a peaceful library. This is a total contrast to the opening scene as although he was lying down in the opening scene, he was hunting in a much more manic environment with death around him. However in this closing scene as the birds eye view slowly moves across the room, you can see a scribe and a lot of piles of papers. If you think back to what Eli has been carrying the whole time, you realize that Eli is actually reading out the bible word by word just from memory. However it does shortly after that actually show Solara by Eli's grave, although you'd expect the narration to be sad, the narrator - Eli - actually seems happy as he says how hes 'tired' and that its 'time for him to rest while thanking god for everything that he's done for him during his 'task' to deliver the bible back so more copies can be made. Just after that clip, it shows Solara dressed exactly as Eli does throughout the film, this suggests that now Eli has died, it's the start of a new chapter as Solara spreads the word about how the bible has returned and the idea of peace. This links to the idea about Christianity and life after death as its almost as if Eli has been reborn in Solara's body.

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