Wednesday 26 April 2017

Book of Eli opening

                                  Book of Eli opening scene

In the opening scene of 'The Book of Eli you can clearly see that it's going to be a post apocalyptic film when it has a slow tracking shot of a desolate are with no-one around until the camera passes a gun and then gets to a dead body. This shows there is a lot of death and decay around. You can also hear a cat approaching the dead body, however as it swipes past the body again you can see the cat eating the dead body. This instantly gives the audience a idea of the aftermath of the apocalypse as you don't normally see a cat in the woods eating a human. After that it slowly uses a panorama and shows the main character,Eli, laying down holding a bow and arrow with a gas mask on. The use of a gas mask gives the audience of a war that has caused the apocalypse as these masks originated in World War 1. As it shows Eli holding this bow with steady hands - although you wouldn't think much of this, it actually tells the audience that Eli is not a cannibal as cannibals typically have shaky hands. This tells the audience how strong Eli is as even cats have resorted to eating humans. The other thing you can notice is that throughout the whole opening scene there's no credits, this shows how focused on getting into film the produces were.

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