Thursday 27 April 2017

Film websites

When a company releases a new film they tend to publish a website for that film to boost promotion for it, three films that have done this is;

-Assassins creed
- Creed
- Passengers

On the creed website it most consists of insights to the film, with clips of the film, photos, fan art and the story of the main character. This is to advertise the film and to try and entice them to buy the film 'on dvd or blu ray' as it says on the website. The website is below;

Assassins Creed

When you go on the 'Assassins Creed'website you can see how the company is advertising more than just the movie. The games section of the company is the most advertised part. This is probably due to the movie originated from the game it's self. This is good promotion for the film as anyone who wants to browse the games website may not have known there was a movie out as well. This works very well as the biggest section is the movie being advertised in the top left of the website. You can also see sections for the community where fans can talk about the movie or game and then there's also a section for the store where you can purchase merchandise and other products like that.


When you go on 'Passengers' website the first thing you can see are the two main characters - Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. This instantly shows how big the movie is as these's are two of the biggest actors around at the minute. It also then advertises how highly rated the film is as it gives three reviews saying 'EPIC', 'THRILLING' and 'ENTERTAINING' from individuals from major businesses like 'Access Hollywood', '' and 'Fox Denver'. This is all used as promotion for the movie. It also shows across the page information like where to buy the film, merchandise, props and and a experience in virtual reality where you can have a realistic experience as if you're in the movie. Also listed on the website is extra's like behind the scenes, special features and deleted scenes. 

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