Friday 28 April 2017

Question 3

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Question 5

                                                                                Question 5

Eleanor Jones:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

Eleanor Jones: “I thought it was produced well and the plot seemed to work well. There were a few points that the camera was a bit jumpy but altogether I think it worked well!”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

Eleanor Jones: “I would say the only improvements that could be made would be to make sure the camera is less shaky at certain points. But for a low budget film I think it’s great.”

Duncan Vajeeharan:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

Duncan Vajeeharan: “I think it was quite good, the camera was very steady and the plot worked well. I especially liked the music as it built tension throughout while I was watching it – especially towards the end.”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

Duncan Vajeeharan: “I think the only improvement I would make is be swapping out the actress in the final scene or re-doing her part. I only say this as when there’s the fight at the end she’s not looking at what happens but still knows when to hand the other actor the stick. She did a good job otherwise though!”


James Smith:

Me: “What did you think of the movie?”

James Smith: “It was okay, I liked a few of the camera angles but it seemed to jump between shots towards the end of the film. Also at one point it says about how the main character will meet his mate ‘in the usual spot’ and then you never see them again?”

Me: “How could it be improved?”

James Smith: “As I mentioned I would probably recommend trying to make the plot just a little bit clearer. That’s the main only improvement I would make.”

Question 6

Question 2

Question 7
This is Question 7 of my evaluation.

Question 4

Question 1

Here is my Question 1

The Road ending

At the ending of the film 'The Road' the dad passes away which creates a very sad and emotional effect on the audience and changes the mood that's been positive,as a farther and son have stuck together through hard times and a lot of death, to a very negative and sad attitude. This death has been coming for a long tine as the dad has had a injury that's been effecting him for a while. Even though you could see the death coming it didn't make it any less emotional as in one bit of the ending scene you can see the son sat by his dead dad, almost isolated and helpless as he cant do anything to bring back the family member and human in general that he's spent the most time with.

In the following scene you see the son, full of grief from loosing his dad, pointing his dads gun at a approaching family/group. There is tension building at this point as most the people they've encountered so far are bad people and the audience has just seen this little lad lose his dad and they don't now want to see him die as well. However the family start talking to the young boy and proves that they don't mean any harm and they just want to take the kid in so he has a safe place to stay and so he's not on his own.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Weather Forecast for filming our post apocalyptic film.

When planning on when to film our post apocalyptic film we had to consider many factors. One of the biggest factors was the weather, this was important as we wanted it to not be a sunny and hot day so it looked like a typical murky apocalyptic scene. But also not a especially terrible day so the camera lens didn't get water on the lens. In the end we felt like the 14th of Jan was the best day. A weather forecast is below.

Film websites

When a company releases a new film they tend to publish a website for that film to boost promotion for it, three films that have done this is;

-Assassins creed
- Creed
- Passengers

On the creed website it most consists of insights to the film, with clips of the film, photos, fan art and the story of the main character. This is to advertise the film and to try and entice them to buy the film 'on dvd or blu ray' as it says on the website. The website is below;

Assassins Creed

When you go on the 'Assassins Creed'website you can see how the company is advertising more than just the movie. The games section of the company is the most advertised part. This is probably due to the movie originated from the game it's self. This is good promotion for the film as anyone who wants to browse the games website may not have known there was a movie out as well. This works very well as the biggest section is the movie being advertised in the top left of the website. You can also see sections for the community where fans can talk about the movie or game and then there's also a section for the store where you can purchase merchandise and other products like that.


When you go on 'Passengers' website the first thing you can see are the two main characters - Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. This instantly shows how big the movie is as these's are two of the biggest actors around at the minute. It also then advertises how highly rated the film is as it gives three reviews saying 'EPIC', 'THRILLING' and 'ENTERTAINING' from individuals from major businesses like 'Access Hollywood', '' and 'Fox Denver'. This is all used as promotion for the movie. It also shows across the page information like where to buy the film, merchandise, props and and a experience in virtual reality where you can have a realistic experience as if you're in the movie. Also listed on the website is extra's like behind the scenes, special features and deleted scenes. 

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Book of Eli ending

                                                     Book of Eli ending

In the ending scene of the 'Book of Eli' you first can see the main character lying down in a peaceful library. This is a total contrast to the opening scene as although he was lying down in the opening scene, he was hunting in a much more manic environment with death around him. However in this closing scene as the birds eye view slowly moves across the room, you can see a scribe and a lot of piles of papers. If you think back to what Eli has been carrying the whole time, you realize that Eli is actually reading out the bible word by word just from memory. However it does shortly after that actually show Solara by Eli's grave, although you'd expect the narration to be sad, the narrator - Eli - actually seems happy as he says how hes 'tired' and that its 'time for him to rest while thanking god for everything that he's done for him during his 'task' to deliver the bible back so more copies can be made. Just after that clip, it shows Solara dressed exactly as Eli does throughout the film, this suggests that now Eli has died, it's the start of a new chapter as Solara spreads the word about how the bible has returned and the idea of peace. This links to the idea about Christianity and life after death as its almost as if Eli has been reborn in Solara's body.

Book of Eli opening

                                  Book of Eli opening scene

In the opening scene of 'The Book of Eli you can clearly see that it's going to be a post apocalyptic film when it has a slow tracking shot of a desolate are with no-one around until the camera passes a gun and then gets to a dead body. This shows there is a lot of death and decay around. You can also hear a cat approaching the dead body, however as it swipes past the body again you can see the cat eating the dead body. This instantly gives the audience a idea of the aftermath of the apocalypse as you don't normally see a cat in the woods eating a human. After that it slowly uses a panorama and shows the main character,Eli, laying down holding a bow and arrow with a gas mask on. The use of a gas mask gives the audience of a war that has caused the apocalypse as these masks originated in World War 1. As it shows Eli holding this bow with steady hands - although you wouldn't think much of this, it actually tells the audience that Eli is not a cannibal as cannibals typically have shaky hands. This tells the audience how strong Eli is as even cats have resorted to eating humans. The other thing you can notice is that throughout the whole opening scene there's no credits, this shows how focused on getting into film the produces were.